What is CSS | Explained

css cascade style sheet explaination


  • CSS is actually cascade style sheet.
  • CSS is used to style the web pages like the boxes made with the html tags.
  • CSS is actually a decoration of the web page made by the html.


There are three versions of the CSS.
  • CSS
  • CSS2
  • CSS3
cascade style sheet


  • The actual release date is 1996 in which the first version of css is released.
  • CSS is basically the style sheet in which a designer can give extra styles or attractive look to the web page.
  • Like giving colors,width and height of the page ,boxes,tables and the section details like the width and height of the header,footer,slider and body.
  • We can animate the texts,images and videos.
  • We can transform the texts,audio and videos.
  • Style sheet is basically the look of the web page like a tree without colors and without the continuous manner looks strange but the breaks and leafs in a continuous manner look attractive.The same work CSS do on the html made web page.
  • CSS is the language to make the site responsive for the mobile and computer.


  • The extension for the file save for css is .css 
  • The attachment for the css file in html is text/css
  • The tag for css in the html file is <style> and close by the </style>.


  1. This disclaimer is for the CSS language that if you found any mistake or error in the article or found any file missing then you can contact us.

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