What is Wordpress

wordpress explained


  • WordPress is actually a site used to make and handling the websites like the blogger for blogging.
  • WordPress is a site used to give power to  the other websites.
  • Almost in a survey  34% of the whole world websites are getting powered from the WordPress.
  • Mean that almost one website out of four is getting powered from the WordPress.


  • Actually WordPress is based on daily updates that's why no one can said it that today WordPress has that version because no  one can say that when it will be changed or updated.
  • But according to our report in January of 2020 WordPress version was 5.3.2.


  • WordPress is now the largest website handler site because it handling or giving power to almost third part of the whole world websites.

What is plugin:

  • In WordPress plugin's are used these are very useful in making a website beautiful and more function able.
  • WordPress has more then 30,000000 Plus plugin's which are used to make a website attractive.
  • Some plugin's are paid of them but most of the plugin's are free of cost.
  • A user of WordPress almost have no need to program the site because of the huge quantity of plugin's.
  • A user can make contact form,seo friendly posts,check his or her website statistics,make a log in portal,write a creative post,auto generated post,build pages for his or her website without coding and many more with the help of plugin's.

WordPress Hosting:

  • A user can host a site on his own hosting platform through WordPress or can buy a hosting space from any other server to manage its data on the online space.
  • But a user can also use the WordPress own hosting server in both cases mean either he or she wanted to use the sub-domain version of the WordPress mean free hosting plane or he or she want to buy the WordPress hosting plane.

What is Hosting:

  • Hosting is actually an online space where a user can upload its data for managing its website or for managing its application.
  • Users of the host getter can access its data from its website but only that data which it want to publish on the website for its users to get access.Mean the whole control will be in the Host owner hands.

WordPress Domain:

  • WordPress give free domains to its user with the hosting but these domain are not the TLD domains.
  • WordPress give sub-domains to its users for free but if they want the TLD domains they have to buy it from any domain seller product and for managing them.

What is TLD Domain:

  • Tld domains are actually the Top level domains.These are not the sub-domain.
  • Top level domains having the extension of the .com  , .net  , .in  , .org  ,.e.t.c.


  • Sub-domains are the domains which have the two extensions mean blogger give the sub-domains with name.blogspot.com
  • WordPress give the extensions with the name.wordpress.com


  • If you find any error in the article then you can comment us in the below section or you can contact us in the contact us section.

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