Linked Lists in Data Structure

link list


Data structure has many terms or functions to use for making the programming structure easy and short which make the size of the application short and make its works faster and more faster then the previous code structure.The first thing is the abstract data type which explained below.

Abstract Data Type:

Abstract data type is the type of data and knowing about its working that which functions of values make shown to the user and which part of the function make hidden from the user.If a developer understand about the data type usage then it can easily handle the software or application.

Other Types:

There are many types of the Data structure which make it easily learn able and understand able.
1: Array
2:Linked List
i:Single link list
ii:Double link list
5:Tower Of Hanoi
and some other functions.


Array are the data which is used in the sequence wise mean in array the data is saved in a sequence in the memory.If a number whose address is 100 in the memory then the next number is at the address 104 ,second next is on the 108 and every next element is at every 4th number because every number will take the storage of 4 bit in the memory.

Linked List:

There are two types of linked list the first is the single link list and the second is the double link list.

single link list

Single Link List:

In the single link list there are three pointers.
1:First pointer is the first which take the first position in the list.
2:Second pointer is the pointer which take the last position in the link list.
3:Third pointer is the Next pointer which take the address of the every next node and this pointer will be in every node.
The nodes details are given in the next paragraph.

single link list

Single Link List Nodes:

Node is actually a box in which how many pointer user want to add can be added and also user or developer can add values mean data in the node.
Data:Data is a variable in the node which hold the values in any format it can be numeric or string.
The next will be the pointer in the node which can hold the address of the next node.In a node there is a data and a pointer in the single link list mean only one pointer and only one data.The pointer in the node has name next.

Double Link List:

Double link list has the four pointers.The three pointers are same as the pointers in the single link list and the fourth pointer is the previous pointer which take the address of the previous node as next take the address of the next node.

double link list

Double Link List Nodes:

The node of the double link list has two pointers in which one is the previous pointer and the second is the next pointer and the third part of the node is the data.There is a relief that developer can organize it according to the user more easily that there is also address of the last and next both nodes.

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