What is Data Structure


Data structure is the arrangement of the data.Mean programmers can write the code and can run the code by this also they can make the application but the better application want the short and arranged code for making it a lite weight with high features.Data structure is actually the learning of making the code in a better way in which all the functions are working in a short code.

Usage of Data Structure:

Actually data structure can use in any programming language.But mostly it is used in the C++ language because this is the simplest language and also learners can learn data structure in a perfect way with the C++ language.

Why C++:

Because C++ is a basic language have all the learning techniques but not the already a lot of libraries when there are many libraries in the language then this is not a basic language this language gone to be at the advance level and in advance level language user can not learn more things and in the basic language as the libraries are too low that's why the user have many more things to learn.That's why C++ is a basic language in which learners get many things to learn.

Why Data Structure is necessary:

Data structure is as necessary in the programming as back bone in the body because data structure is the better way to arrange the code.No one perfect application or software could be made with out the data structure.


Array functions like searching in the array,adding a number in the array,adding number at the first index of the array or adding at the last index of the array,deleting a number from the array,making copy of the old array into the new array,sorting the array.

Linked List:

Linked list functions like the adding number,adding at the first,adding at the last node,deleting number in the list,deleting the first number ,deleting the last number,checking that the list is full or empty ,checking that how many items in the list.

Double link list:

Double link list functions are same like the single linked list functions.But there are some difference in the double and single link list.Actually the double link has the three pointers and the single link list has the two pointers if any user want to find any other information about this then on this site their is a complete article on the linked list on single and double link list.

Tower Of Hanoi:

Tower of Hanoi is actually a concept to solve the problems of a tower like there are three towers there are some elements in the tower on and we want to add all the elements to the tower three and there is a helper which is tower two but there are some rules for shifting the elements to the third tower if a user want more then there is a complete article on the tower of hanoi in this site just search tower of hanoi in the search bar of the site.


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