What is Front End and Back End

Front End:

  • Front end is actually the visual part of the website.
  • The things or the functions or the parts which you can see on the screen.

Front End Languages:

  • There are two languages for making the front end for a website.
  • HTML & CSS
  • These two languages are the basic language for the front end and the most commonly used languages.



  • html is basically a hyper text mark up language usually based on the tags.


  • CSS is the cascade style sheet for styling the front end of the website.


  • Actually html is used to make the visual part simply like a tree has how many leafs and how many breaks it have..
  • CSS is like which color you give to the tree and what is the shape of the leafs ,hows the breaks looks like.

Simple Define:

  • Simply it is defined that html is the visual part and css is the design of the visual part.

Back End:

  • Back end actually the functions and the working of the site which is going on the back part of the site which is not visual.
  • The programs which are manually working in the site.
  • Like the functionality of the site,auto changing of the site,manually working parts without doing something are the codes running at the end.
  • There are many languages in the back end which are working .
  • Like PHP,Java Script,JS NODE,ASP.NET .e.t.c
  • These are the mostly used languages about which every language is explained with the detail parts.Articles on every language with the details are given in this site.



  • This language is mostly used for the security purposes.
  • This is the secure language and most working language.Every user used it for the security purpose.

Java Script:

  • Java script is actually the script base language.The most high ranking used language.
  • There is no responsive website without the java script


  • ASP.NET language is used to make the servers for the website data usually based on the data base.

Simply Defined:

  • Simply back end is the functions and programs running in the back part of the site on which the manual functions work.


  • If you find any error or missing file in the article then you can contact us.

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