PHP is the server base language.It run on the server and manage database and can create the web pages and can support the languages html,css and java script.
There are seven versions of the php in which any one version have the sub updated versions.
php 1
php 2
php 3
php 4
php 5
php 6
php 7
php 8
PHP 1:
Published in 8 june of 1995 get the name personal home page tools (php tools).
PHP 2:
Released in first November of the 1997 .This is the php 2.0 named language and the first chracterised php language.
PHP 3:
Release in 6 June 1998 and support till 2008.Development move from one person to multiple developer. ZEEV SURASKI and ANDI GUTMANS.
PHP 4:
Release in 22 may 2000 and have the Zend Engine.
Zend Engine:
Advanced two stage tag parsing system.
PHP 5:
Released in 13 July 2004 and used till the 31 December 2018.Published with the Zend Engine 2 with new object model.
PHP 6:
They think to introduce the version with the unicode but after sometime they introduced that its not compatible and reject it.
PHP 7:
RELEASED IN THE 3 December 2015 and have the chances to use until atleast 2022.This include the zend engine and have many preloading features and secure more then the previous languages.
php 7.4 is now the latest version of the php.
PHP 8:
An idea is taking that the 8 version of the php will be release in the future 2020.
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