Sublime text is text editor software for the markup languages.
Sublime text is actually a free and easily use able software for writing the web languages codes.
Sublime text is used to write the text in txt formats like MS Word do.
The latest version of the sublime text released in the june 2019 which was Sublime text 3.3.2
The size of the latest version and generally its size is almost 10.8 MB's
A user in sublime text can also use the general shortcuts of the keyboard in sublime text like the shortcut of the copy with "Ctrl + C" and the short cut of the paste like "Ctrl + V".These are the general shortcuts of the keyboard and a user can use many more like selecting the all text by "Ctrl + A" and cut a piece of the text by "Ctrl + X" .
Other Features:
Sublime text has many more features like you can customize anything in the text and can make it according to your will.
Sublime text has a another Software with the name "Sublime Merge" .
Sublime text is easy to use and easily write able software.
According to a survey sublime text is better then any other software in this size like it is better then the Notepad++ and many other text editing software's.
Sublime text can be used in small systems like in the low processor systems.
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