How to make Blog on Blogger

how to make blog on blogger


  • Blog is actually a site which is used to upload your content on the internet.
  • Blog is also the product used for the world wide web(WWW).
  • Blog can be a single page double page or can be more then 2 pages.Blog is the smallest part of the website but by customizing a blog can be changed into a website by making its pages professional.


Necessary Things:

  • Blog is  responsive for all the devices like the computer screen,mobile screen,tablet screen and many more.
  • Meta tags included in the theme of the blog even the blog have a singe page meta tags are necessary because meta tags are used to make a page or more pages responsive.
  • A preffered language selected in the blog because the functions in the blog created on the time base working on that language and the time selected zone.

Page parts:

  • A page of the blog have the some necessary parts which are header,footer,section and sidebar.
  • A header is actually used for the head or upper section of the page mean the upper logo and banner section and navigation menu.
  • A footer section is the lower or foot part of  the page the lower logo and the disclaimer or about section added in the footer or you can also add social medial profiles in the footer.
  • A section is the main part of the page mean a body part.A body part can contain the post or article or it can be the many post to click and enter into a post from many posts shown on the body part.
  • A sidebar can be at the one side of the page like the left side or the right side or  it can be at the both sides left and right..A sidebar  can have the loops of the posts a small sections for your articles or can have latest news on it.
  • So by these four parts a sidebar,header,footer and section are used to make a complete page.

Necessary Languages:

what is html
  • There are only two languages which are used to make a simple and optimized page these languages are: HTML (Hyper text mark up language).and the second is  : CSS (Cascade style sheet).
  • HTML is actually a markup language used to make the front end of the page that which things included in the page.HTML is based on the tags like the header,footer,section and sidebar tags used in the markup language which is HTML.
what is cascade style sheet
  • CSS is cascade style sheet it  is used to design the page like how  it looks what color it have which size and many more things.
what is java script
  • There are some more languages like Java script and Php .Java script is used to give functions to the page and php is  used to make it secure or a server for the page to save the data of the page or the blog.
what is php


xml file
  • Themes are actually the combination of these all languages to make a theme.Theme is the mixture of many  pages like you can create many  pages in the theme and many  more  functions included in the theme.
  • Themes have the XML file which is used in the blog to upload it on the  blogger or you can copy the whole code and paste it in the blogger.Because the XML file have the whole code of the theme in just one file.
  • The pages of the cascade style sheet and java script are linked with the html page.


  • In blogger you have some option in the layout panel to customize the theme.
  • Like you can upload a logo ,favicon,functions of the post like which things shown in the post and sidebar function and footer functions.


  • You can apply for adsence earning in the earning section of the blogger.You have no need to add your site in the adsence account and paste the code in the blog.Adsence automatically add it in the blog you just have to apply for the adsence in the earning section.


  • You can check the stat of your blog post or pages in the stat section.
  • You can check your blog stat by the audience,country or post wise.
  • You can alos check that your views are from which device like android or desktop.


  • In the setting section you can change the setting for the blog like you can change the title ,domain name and you can add meta description and meta keyword which are necessary for ranking your site on the google first page.
  • You can apply for the google search console in the setting section to enter your blog on the google seo crawling.


  • In the post section you can add new post or you can edit the oldest posts.You can also manage the old and new posts in the post section.


  • This article is written on my 8 year  experience on the blogging.If you find any  mistake or error in the article then you can comment us in the below section to inform us about the problem so we will respond you soon and fix the problem soon.Thank you!

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