Camtasia Full Detail's


Camtasia is a software used to edit the videos.Normally it is a not a heavy software or not having much weight.Its lite weight and having a lot of features to edit videos.The size and the features of the software are given below.

Release Date:

Camtasia first release is in the year 2002 at date of 28 October.This is the first version release date for the camtasia when it is officially released in the public.


There are total 9 versions of the Camtasia released from 2002 to 2020.
The first version of the Camtasia is in 2002 which had name Cmatasia v 1.0..
After this the latest running version of the Camtasia is V 9.0.This version has the latest features of the video editing with the new icons.This version is very lite weight and has some new features comparing with the old versions.

How to Save:

In the Camtasia the video can not be saved when user click on the save or save as tab.But if a user want to save the video in any of the video format then user must go to the share button on the upper left side and click on the share button then in the menu of the share button click on the local button there user find the save option in many of the video formats.There the user saw first that which format and which height and width it wants.Like the pixels 720 pixels,1080 pixels,1920 pixel's and then it may change into 4k,5k and 8k.After that the user ask for the format of the video it may be in mp4 ,mkv ,3gp and many more formats.After that the user asked for the name of the video it can select the manual which name is pick up by the software other wise it can also write a new name for the video if the user want to give it a name.This is the way to save video in the Camtasia.

How to open Data:

User can open data manually in the software mean click on the open tab and then it will take you to the computer where user can select the data.User can also use pick and drag service mean the user just pick the item and drag it to the software and drop it into the software.This software can pick videos,audios,pictures and texts of any form.As the software has its own text formats and tools but these are too small in quantity that's why user can pick more text from the internet and drop these in the Camtasia.

Next Update:

The next update of the software may concerned with the company its releasing date was January 2020 but due to some reasons the date for releasing the Camtasia next update and version will be in the year 2020 but the fix date is not released.But as its going to officially announced then we will upload it on the site.


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