How YouTube Catch user Attention

How YouTube Catch user Attention

Youtube Algo:

The first and the most technical thing which make the youtube to make its users attentive is its algorithm.
Best thing about the algorithm is that it know that what people want from it and on which topics they are searching in the last period of time.
Even the users of the YouTube when take a single and tiny step on the YouTube then youtube catch that and save that data in her data mining part from which it use the data for the next time.Because when the next time user will come on the YouTube then YouTube show the user his or her relevantive things or videos on the YouTube.
How YouTube Catch user Attention

In that case the user will surely watch some video which are also stored in the data base from the user name and help to make the next steps about the user timeline because on which videos user spend more time are highly recommended and show to the user on the next attemt on the youtube.

Bad Thing for USERS:

But there are also bad things for  the users that their data stored in the youtube and when advertisers want to show their ads on the youtube then youtube use that data  to show the relevant videos to that users which probably like that kind of content.

Effective or Not:

Even that thing not impacting more on the people and youtube get benefits from it but the main thing is that some times it will become a big issue and make the secrets public which are not right for the peoples using youtube.Because every one has the secrets and no one have to reveal them without their permission.
How YouTube Catch user Attention


But there are also lot of benefits from the youtube that there is also data available in the form of the videos which is the most interesting factors know a days because people have no time to read a long article and sit for a long time to read a single news.Thats why youtube also give benefits to the peoples of watching videos and getting information from the videos of their interested topic.
How YouTube Catch user Attention


The videos are uploaded by the youtubers mean the permanent customers of the youtube which make content on any topic and then publish this content in the public on the youtube and then if there are some policy from the youtube and the youtubers follow all the policies then the money from the advertisers is also divided in the youtubers.In case of return youtube show ads of the advertisers on the youtube videos published by the advertisers.

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